Moving On Without You

How can I miss something so much

That was never ever mine

Even though we weren’t together

We were together all the time

We would laugh and joke then 

we’d begun to fight and disagree

We’d be upset for a few hours

And you’d be laughing again at me

I always believed 

We were destined for each other

I had hoped and dreamed

That we would end up together

But it’s seems that forever 

Is taking too long

Doesn’t look like we’ll be together

So we must just move on

Moving on without you

Is killing me inside

It’s not what I wanted to do

I never got a chance to even try

Moving on without you

Is something I never in a 

million years thought I’d do

Yet here I’m get ready to 

Start moving on without you

Before I go there is something 

That I really don’t understand

I’ve been there and done for you

More than all and any other man

I thought you were thinking same as me

And I was cemented in your future planes

Yet it never seemed to be the right time

You never ever even gave me a chance

Moving on without you

Is killing me inside

It’s not what I wanted to do

I never got a chance to even try

Moving on without you

Is something I never in a 

million years thought I’d do

Yet here i’am get ready to 

Start moving on without you

By Gary Agurries

Published by Gary A

I love music and it's lyrics, my song writing days are still in me. Just a little more poetic now.

13 thoughts on “Moving On Without You

  1. I’m in the exact opposite side of this right now. I tried so hard to move the relationship forward. I tried to carve out a place in his life for me that would suit us both. He never opened that to me. He said he did. He wanted to. But ultimately what I wanted was too high a price to pay it seems. And so to stop beating my head against the wall anymore I chose to leave. I hope he finds someone he doesn’t argue with. We had high high and low lows just like you seem to have had.

    I somehow thought we would end up together as well. But when you have two stubborn mules trying to lead each other around you don’t get very far. And so….I hope to someday have enough perspective and humility to learn where I failed here. Because I’m so sick of failing at this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just sometimes no matter what you do or how you try it just doesn’t work. You imagine them as what you’d want them to be and know they could be if they wanted. But they never do, they can’t even live up to reasonable expectations. That’s the sad part, I’ve had a lot of time going over and over what I was missing. And it turns out I was missing reality, they were never what I had built, or hoped them to be. And that get frustrating. You didn’t fail you both were imagining two different people in eachother. That’s my take on .


      1. And that’s the most accurate take ever. Could not have said it better if I tried. So true and so sad. So much time invested erroneously. And I have no one to blame but myself and my idealistic, hopeful and way too naive perspective in life.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Don’t blame your self for seeing potential in someone. It’s unfortunate that they didn’t live up to expectations. It’s good that you didn’t just keep going through the motions.


      3. I’m an eternal optimist and it’s really hard for me to give up on people. And once I love someone I love them for life even if I’m mad at them. Even if I can’t get along with them.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I’m the same way, I have left a relationship so her life would be better. We were go good together, and yet so bad for eachother. She was so mad I was letting her go, I knew and seen her potential. I was an enabler and I’d of ruined her life just being that. It hard to care so much about someone, your willing to walk away.


      5. Wow. That’s awesome. Sound like you were the more emotionally mature person here. You sacrificed for her ultimate happiness because you loved her so much and you keep the memories of all the good times, which sounded like they were very good.

        The problem with volatile relationships is that the high high’s keep you there. And the low low knock the rug out from under you. It isn’t sustainable, long term. It tends to burn people out and be bad for their inner stability. But not everyone. Some people thrive on chaos. Just gotta know yourself and find someone that fits you better. It sounds like the woman’s happiness means more to you overall. Making you beta. I think it’s great. But it also makes you codependent. Which I also think is great. But that makes you vulnerable to manipulation too. So you have to be on guard for that.

        I don’t quite feel the same way. But the end result is the same. I am very sensitive. I pick up on other people’s emotions. Especially those in my inner circle. And I care deeply about their happiness and equalibrium. When they are angry, upset, sad, etc. it affects me deeply. So I can’t be with someone who is always on an emotional roller coaster all by themselves. Someone that isn’t balanced inside and can’t handle the ups and downs of life. It causes me turmoil. I probably should work on that. People are allowed their own feelings.

        Every relationship, every interaction, every nuance of life can teach you something about yourself, help you grow. I hope you find someone worthy of your love.


      6. Wow, that was right on the money, yes I am vulnerable, and have been taken advantage of. But in my heart I know I didn’t let anything happen that I did want to. I live in the moment and every new journey is just that. Even if I know it may end up like my last. Life is full of adventure and great experiences. If I’m not apart of them then I’m not truly living. I’ve rode the roller coaster many of times and it’s never the same each and every time. I take that ticket and eagerly board with the highest hopes and expectations, yet I still hope for the best and expect the worst. After it’s all said and done I’ve have had a great time and a lot of story’s. So I wouldn’t ever change a thing and still jump in with both feet every time. Thank you so much your very insightful, and so aware of life. You are so unique and absolutely amazing.


      7. Thanks for the lovely compliment.

        I agree with everything you said except the expect the worse. Do you find it more helpful to expect the worst or is that just a bit of cynicism? As in does it actually help you cope or is it just the default way you look at this aspect of your life. Just out of curiosity.

        Liked by 1 person

      8. No I take each new adventure, as is, And see where it goes. Just being aware that it may not be that forever I’m seeking. But there is one way to find out and that’s giving it a chance. If you don’t take a chance you’ll never know, I don’t like the should of would of and could of. I do, did and tried, being more optimistic as the relationship blooms. I’m hopeful but don’t put to much stock into it till I see and feel something very real, that’s all I was saying.


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